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HealthDAT San Diego is an electronic website designed by the Institute for Public Health at San Diego State University and the Altman Clinical and Translational Institute at the University of California San Diego in collaboration with multiple community partners.

The purpose of the site is to improve the health and well-being of San Diego residents by encouraging collaboration between academics and community stakeholders for effective and meaningful scholarship, and to empower local communities to understand the health, behavioral and social determinants that affect their neighborhoods.

The link above will take you to the pilot version of the HealthDAT site which contains a sample of
1) adult and child health and well-being indicators, demographics, behaviors, and social determinants of health by neighborhood,
2) evidence based best practices to address those indicators and
3) San Diego academic and community resources. The goal is to provide information from multiple San Diego sources in multiple content areas in one place so that collaboration across disciplines and content areas can occur.

We are now seeking input in the functionality and usefulness of the HealthDAT pilot site. Please take the opportunity to review and click on the blue "Provide Feedback" button in the upper right hand corner of the site to provide us with your comments/thoughts about is potential usefulness to you and your work in our community.

If you have any questions about healthDAT, please contact us at:

Posted: 02/24/2018 Updated: 04/02/2018