Project Staff

Mari Arcadio Arce, B.A.

Community Health Worker

In 2020, Ms. Arcadio Arce joined the IPH team through the Communities Fighting COVID! project as part of the efforts to decrease the impact of COVID-19 in disadvantaged communities in San Diego. From 2022 through 2023, she took on the responsibility of recruiting, retaining, and distributing incentives to participants of the @Home project, focused on assessing the acceptability of Returning our Kids to School, a COVID testing program implemented in middle schools. Currently, she is aiding the ABCC team to train community health workers across San Diego County. She is also assisting in launching the innovative Center for Equitable and Diverse Research, aiming to diversify research for the benefit of future generations.


  • BA, Psychology, San Diego State University (2018)

Areas of Expertise

Outreach and Engagement; Data Management; Conducting literature reviews
☎ 619-643-4735

Last Updated: 5/10/2024